Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 0.

So here I am. Up wide awake at 9:42 on a Saturday night. I should be doing what other crazy 25 year old girls are doing. Partying and getting drunk making a fool of myself, but that's not my style. I partied to hard in my late teens and early 20s. I'm ready to just chill and enjoy myself. But honestly I'd rather be in bed.

I decided to start a new blog after failing to keep up with my running blog. I decided to challenge myself to keep up with something. Obviously besides running and baking. I realized I need to do something to keep me motivated at losing weight and adding more cross training into my life, and getting me less stressed.

Stress is a huge part of my life! I am always stressed. Money, work and raising money is stressing me in my everyday life. I just want to find a nice job where I can work 5 days a week and never be worried about losing pay or health coverage due to lack of hours for no reason. Its no secret I have been looking for a night job but the market is looking for full time employees so i might as well go for something promising knowing i can pay my bills instead of getting less not being able to pay for anything. Raising money is my own challenge. I joined Team In Training for spring season to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society since it holds a place close to my heart since friends and family have some sorts of blood cancers. I chose to do this and with 4 days left I have to raise $294.48! OMG talk about STRESS!

So I'm challenging myself to find ways to not only make myself fitter and healthier but to be less stressed and just learn to smile more, because apparently i only smile in my work environment! So with this challenge I'm starting tomorrow and seeing how far I can go! How much of a positive change I can make for myself. And to get over the bull crap!

So with that said wish me luck because tomorrow is my garage sale for Team In Training and I'm hoping to raise over $300!

ps you may also find fitness challenges on here too! because i want to lose 50 pounds and make it happen asap!

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